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Intern; B.A.

Emma Farnham

Emma joined Willow Wellness Center as its first counseling intern in January of 2024. She is currently working towards her Master of Education in Counseling Psychology from Temple University. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in English and Applied Psychology and Human Development from Boston College in 2021. Prior to entering the mental health field, Emma worked in both the nonprofit and hospitality sectors, and identifies these experiences as instrumental to her desire to pursue a career in counseling.

As a counselor in training, Emma is eager to work with a wide variety of clients, encompassing all ages, stages, and experiences with the therapeutic process.

Her primary areas of professional interest include helping clients to thrive with ADHD, embrace neurodiversity, foster their personal growth and identity development, and navigate major life transitions.


Young Adults
Anxiety & Depression

Identity Growth & Development
Life Transitions

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